Author Archives: MeganSWage

Facebook Pages Hidden Spam Posts

If you run a Facebook page you might not be aware that Facebook automatically marks some posts by others as spam and hides them. In the old layout I knew where to find these.  I recently discovered where to uncover these in the new layout and surprisingly most of them were good comments! Don’t let your page miss out on happy customers too!

To find these simply click the Edit Page drop down and Use Activity Log. On the left side you will see a section called Spam….there you can unhide the comments you want. Don’t forget to reply and apologize 😉

Facebook Spam hidden posts

Instagram Video

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Instagram Video

For those of you Vine lovers….all of our favorite image app has just released a video feature. Instagram’s video feature will allow you to capture a 15 second video and select your favorite still image for the cover. Will this lure you away from Vine? For me having the imagery and video feature in one app will definitely keep me occupied on Instagram and forgetting about Vine all together. But who doesn’t want things made easier and cutting out one extra step? Only time will tell who will win in this battle of Facebook vs. Twitter.


Instagram Video



Myspace Making a Comeback

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Myspace Making a Comeback

Ok so maybe not a complete comeback……lets face it most of the population forgot about its existence. That being said if you haven’t logged in lately you totally should. Myspace is leaps and bounds ahead of Facebook and any other social network as far as user experience and visual appeal. I personally always preferred myspace for the individuality of customizable backgrounds, profile songs and all around experience. But sadly was forced into the Facebook world after a long period of protest once literally not one of my friends used myspace anymore. As awesome as I think myspace is without friend interaction it’s rendered pointless.

If you  make the bold choice to try on myspace for size again and think all of your pictures are miraculously gone….don’t fret they aren’t. Simply go to your settings and select Transfer Pics and Playlist. Not only will all your images transfer over into the “mixes” section but you will get a fun playlist of all your old profile songs. Making for a fun trip down memory lane (or emotional roller coaster of your life.) So go give myspace a try….are you pleasantly surprised?

Myspace Comeback

Is a Juice Cleanse for you?

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Juice CleanseLike every American woman I am always on the hunt for new workouts, diets and nutritional ideas. I’m not usually one to just jump on a bandwagon without researching and deciding if I think it’s a good idea. After a while of researching and thinking about it I decided to give the ever so popular “Juice” cleanse a try. A juice cleanse is simply fresh squeezed veggies and fruits (mainly veggies) that you drink and you eat no solid food. I opted for just the One Day Cleanse from Juice Nashville because I like to keep my goals realistic.

I had to drink 5 juices throughout the day every 2-3 hours plus one glass of water before each one. I was very optimistic going into this and just want to start out saying I did complete the full day. 2 of juices I loved, 1 I could tolerate and 2 were torture. I will say I was never hungry…..actually quite the opposite. By the end of the day and on my last drink I was so full from liquid it was extremely uncomfortable and I was nauseous. I saw it through and went to bed hoping I would see results in the morning. However this morning I still feel full, bloated and nauseous. I wasn’t looking for a miracle diet to drop 10 pounds. I was looking for a healthy way to reboot my body and shed some of the bloat….that did not happen.

I am not saying juice cleanses aren’t great….just not for me. I am a firm believer that every diet or exercise is not perfect for everyone and your body will react different. I know plenty who have done this exact cleanse and loved it….I however will not be juicing anytime soon! Have you done a juice cleanse? What were your results?

Bing Now or Bing Later?

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Bing is working on a new product called Bing Now that could push them into the king of the mobile search engine world. When doing local searches for restaurants and bars any search engine can pull an address, reviews and images but to know if it’s a hopping (I know I just dated myself to 1990) place we would just have to go. With the Bing Now app you will be able to tell if the bar/restaurant has a high chatter level or isn’t busy at all.

“Bing Now’s solution would be to have the user with the app check into a location, in a manner that is not too different from other social networking apps, and the smartphone’s microphone will then capture samples of the sounds happening there. This would then see the Bing Now app make a decision as to whether the location boasted of a “low,” “normal,” or “high” level of sound, now how about that?” –

We all know Bing has been taking Google head on with their Bing it on campaign…could this give them that push they need? How useful do you think this app will be?


Burger King Twitter Hacked!

ImageBurger King’s twitter was hacked today 2/18 and looked like this for a short period of time before the account was suspended.

A “mcflurry” of offensive tweets were sent out however Burger King gained 5,000 followers in the first hour of the hacking. So the question arises….is any publicity good publicity?

To see more details and the offensive tweets check out the post by Mashable!Â